Saturday, November 26, 2011

Digital Camera Reviews 2010

As it comes to the end of the year many camera enthusiasts are eager to read reviews especially as Christmas approaches. It's now at the end of 2010 and many new digital cameras have been released this year. This article will go into small sections of three of the best compact cameras which have been released this year.

One of the first cameras I will start off with is the Lumix TZ10. This special travel camera has been selling like mad and continues to into the New Year. What makes this digital camera so unique is the fact that it has its own GPS tracking system which helps you find landmarks and monument across the country. This is especially useful if you are a picture hobbyist or seek to brag about adventures and conquests.

One of the other compact cameras is slightly different but still offers great value for money. This camera is called the Lumix FS30 and is extremely cheap to its other Lumix counter part. In some cases it can be 100% cheaper. This isn't its biggest selling point though; it has a 14.1 mega pixel camera which is astonishing for its cheap price.

However just because these are two of the best digital cameras currently out doesn't mean you should rush out and buy one of them. Many experts would suggest reading reviews before you make a decision. This will help you think about other options you have and give you a great opportunity to find the best prices as they can change drastically.

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